So last night I got to snuggle a sweet baby whose grandma was struggling to get him and his 2 year old brother on the plane. I will always happily hold your babies! I don't know the whole story but the grandparents were taking these sweet babies home with them for the next few months. They were a little overwhelmed and we happily filled their bottles with milk and gave support whenever we could. Way to go grandparents for being so amazing to those kids!
Next we had a tour group of around 50 Chinese people. If you are a flight attendant I can stop this story right here. Because you KNOW! This group was very nice but there are some cultural differences and a huge language barrier that can be challenging on the plane. So after filling all of their bottles with hot water. We took the cart out to start the service. As we pass the large group they are all trying to grab things off the cart and grab us to stop us. We start at the front of the plane and work our way back. When we get to the group we give them drinks and they drink them as fast as they can and hold the cup out for more. No problem but I kid you not this goes on for 5 or 6 refills each! All the while the people in the next row are trying to grab drinks off the cart because we are not to them yet. I finally look at my flying partner across the cart and desperately tell her to pull the cart past! We are now giggling because we can't make it past these rows. Their was one gentleman who had 5 no joke 5 glasses of milk some coffee, oj and water this was in one stop. He was mad when we ran out of milk and every time we passed him, for the next 4 hours glared at us and said MILK! when he got off the plane he also glared at the girls up front and said MILK! They were confused but us girls in the back we KNOW! BAHAHA
The next girl had a super tight connection to Chicago. I told her we would move her closer to the front so she could get off fast. Her dad is dying and she was trying to make it home in time to say goodbye. As we got closer to LAX her Chicago flight was delayed and I thought this was good because she would for sure make it, however she was now going to miss her connecting flight . Turns out that flight was canceled so I told her to talk to the customer service agents when she got to LAX and that I would be praying she made it home in time. She was of course crying and desperate to get home. I told her I would go with her to customer service. She was alone and upset and needed a hug. So we went to see what they could do and of course it was canceled due to weather so it was a mess. All the other flights were full. The agent was so sweet and checked other airlines and eventually got her on our next flight to her destination. As we waited to hear this she hugged me crying and thanked me for waiting. She said I am sure you have other places you need to be! Nope it is after midnight all my kids are fast asleep and THIS is exactly where I need to be! I gave her my number and told her I would continue to pray for her. She messaged me that she got on the flight and made it home in time to see her dad! I am so thankful I was able to be there for her! I really did nothing but be there to hug and cry and pray! Sometimes that is enough!
These stories are why I love my job! We can be a difference in someones life if we are intentional and show kindness and even some grace in all we do and say. I fail sometimes for sure but this is what I strive for all of the days in every aspect of my life on the ground or in the air!
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